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Our History

Analytics Arts was founded by a team with a powerhouse combination: 15+ years of expertise in data analysis, consulting, and academic education. With over than 100 projects ranging from traditional market segmentation to innovative brand evaluation methodologies, carried out in more than 20 countries.

We blend experience and expertise, partnering with Italian and international companies, tackling challenges in advances analytics, marketing research and market research.

Our team’s academic background, honed at prestigious institutions like Università Bocconi, SDA Bocconi, Università Cattolica, and other leading Italian and international universities, fuels our innovative approach.

We collaborate with accredited panel providers to ensure the highest quality in our collected data. Furthermore, since 2023, we have joined forces with Test-it, a crowd-testing platform, to provide the clients with real and comprehensive feedback on retail products.

Finally, in 2024 we started our partnership with Ecovis RKCA to launch Analytics Arts Bharat and enter the Indian market.


Analytics Arts was founded by a team boasting over 15 years of expertise in data analysis, consulting, and academic education


First projects in collaboration with international brands, by implementing innovative dashboarding solutions and AI-driven market research methodologies


Formed a partnership with TEST IT, launching the first phygital market platform designed to deliver reliable and precise feedback on both new and existing products


Partnered with Ecovis RKCA to launch Analytics Arts Bharat and enter the Indian market


Analytics Arts was founded by a team boasting over 15 years of expertise in data analysis, consulting, and academic education


First projects in collaboration with international brands, by implementing innovative dashboarding solutions and AI-driven market research methodologies


Formed a partnership with TEST IT, launching the first phygital market platform designed to deliver reliable and precise feedback on both new and existing products


Partnered with Ecovis RKCA to launch Analytics Arts Bharat and enter the Indian market

Our mission

We believe data is more than just information—it is the foundation for creativity, strategy, and success. At Analytics Arts, our mission is to make market research and analytics accessible, insightful, and transformative, empowering you to turn complex challenges into meaningful opportunities

Agile Approach

Adapting to change is our strength. With a focus on tangible results, we deliver quality outcomes providing a ‘tailor-made’ approach, always managing to stay relevant


Data analysis is our forte, rooted in our history. With strong ties to academia and industry expertise, we stay updated on the latest trends, providing rigorous statistical analyses applied with a pragmatic and flexible approach

Dynamic Perspectives

What characterizes our team is a unique combination of academic excellence, multicultural insights, and hands-on experience across diverse industries

Our team

Alessandro Recla

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Alessandro has been teaching analytics, market research and applied statistics courses at Bocconi University for more than 10 years. Moreover, he has 15 years of experience as advisor for italian and international corporates and consulting firms on topics of advanced analytics, dashboarding and marketing research.

Michele Russo
Data science

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Michele holds a Double Degree offered jointly by Bocconi University and IIM Bangalore (PGP – MBA program). In recent years, he has delved academically and professionally into data analytics and advanced forecasting techniques. He is Academic Fellow at SDA Bocconi, where he holds the position of Knowledge Analyst in the Decision Sciences and Business Analytics group.

Bianca Bignami
Associate Consultant

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Bianca is an academic fellow for Market Analysis course at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and a teaching assistant at Milano Fashion Institute.
She holds an MSc degree in Markets and Business Strategies from UCSC in Milan, giving her a solid base on which build up her expertise in market analysis including quantitative and qualitative research methodologies across different industry sectors, and building interactive dashboards.

Ilaria Loconsolo
Qualitative Insights Coordinator

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Ilaria is a contract professor at MFI and a market researcher, holding a degree in International Management at the Università Cattolica in Milan. With a strong base in international business, she has integrated her knowledge into the field of market research, becoming a versatile consultant in both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Her specialization in intercultural and interlinguistic mediation enables her to navigate the complexities of global markets and extract valuable insights from intricate data sources.

Alessandra Vittone
Associate Consultant

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Alessandra has a double degree in economics and management from the University of Piemonte Orientale and the University of Tampere.
Her interest in quantitative research grew during her internship at the European Commission in Brussels. She is currently an Associate Consultant at Anlytics Arts, where she works on quantitative and qualitative research projects in various fields.

She has had experience as a teaching assistant at Bocconi University and MFI.

Federica Zullo
Associate Consultant

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Federica is a contract professor both at Bocconi University, and at Milano Fashion Institute. Now is currently a consultant at Analytics Arts where she manages market research projects in different fields, such as food, pharma, and utilities.She graduated in Marketing Management at Bocconi University where she discovered herself passionate about phygital and during her latest working experiences, she consolidated her knowledge in this field, also thanks to an internship in the marketing area of a supermarket chain in Milan. From 2024 she cover also the role as Tutor at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Alessio Rossi
Associate Data Scientist

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Alessio graduated in Applied Economics at the University of Trento, specializing in Policy Evaluation at the FBK research center.  His passion lies in causal inference and econometrics, alongside a keen interest in studying consumer decision-making processes. He collaborates with various academic institutions, including Università Bocconi, Università Cattolica, and SDA Asia Center, mainly teaching courses related to statistics.

Virginia Erti
Associate Analyst

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Virginia is graduated in Management with a focus on Marketing at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. She brings a dynamic blend of international experience, having studied in France and in the US. Now back in Milan, she channels her passion for marketing and statistics into her role at Analytics Arts, where she contributes to innovative solutions and strategies.

Denise Larice
Junior Analyst

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Denise is a second-year Master’s student in International Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of Pavia and is enrolled in a double degree program in International Business at the University of Vaasa. During her studies in Digital Management, she has developed a growing interest in analytics and statistics. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking and cooking. Her future ambitions include developing strong analytical skills and bringing her best attitude to the team.

Eleftheria Topaloglou
Junior Analyst

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Eleftheria holds dual Bachelor’s Degrees in Applied Behavioral Sciences (Neuromarketing) and Business from Brandeis University in the US. With a passion for Consumer Behavior, she brings international experience from Greece and her studies at Università Bocconi. Outside of work, she enjoys playing tennis. At Analytics Arts, she will leverage her skills in business analytics and market research to provide strategic insights for companies across diverse markets.

Alberto Maestrini
Junior Analyst

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Alberto is a final-year Master’s student in Management at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, with a strong focus on Marketing. He is particularly interested in marketing and consumer behavior. In his free time, he enjoys travelling, watching and playing sports, especially football and tennis, and skiing during the winter.

Zhuo Chen
Visiting Analyst

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Zhuo, originally from China, is a fourth-year student at Yonsei University in Korea pursuing dual Bachelor’s Degrees in Political Science and Diplomacy and Economics. She has developed a strong interest on data analysis while taking relevant courses during her school experiences. Outside of her school and work, she enjoys snowboarding in winter. During this spring at Analytics Arts, she will be taking on a variety of projects and hopes to contribute to their success.

Romeo Gerli
Executive Consultant

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Romeo has 25 years of experience in business consulting, working in Italy, Europe, Middle East and South Africa in Telecom, Media, Energy, Fashion and Retail sectors. He covered managerial positions in Marketing, Technology and Customer Operations and he is Senior Advisor for private equity investment funds. He is a teacher in corporate masterclass and master courses in Marketing and Digital Transformation.

Chiara Saibene
Executive Consultant

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Chiara has more than 15 years of experience as strategic consultant for societies working in different market areas (BTB and BTC), facing various challenges relative to the whole marketing management process. She has been teaching marketing at SDA Bocconi since 2010. Chiara holds a master in Qualitative Methods for Research Applied to Marketing/Social surveys and a PhD in Business Administration.

Dovid Fein
Executive Consultant

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​A native New Yorker, Dovid holds a BA in mathematics and an MS in secondary education. A transplant to Italy in 2014, he teaches mathematics at Bocconi University and Cattolica University. Before entering higher education he gained quantitative experience as a statistical analyst for AC Nielsen and a financial assistant for Weill Cornell Medical College.

Davide Saccone

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Davide is a second-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Management at Bocconi University. Through his studies and experiences, he has developed a passion for Data Science and Coding and aims to deepen his knowledge in this field. In his free time, Davide enjoys playing tennis and chess. This summer, he will take on a variety of projects and is eager to contribute to the team’s success.

Tyler Drew

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Tyler is a fourth-year bachelor student at the University of Minnesota pursuing a degree in Strategic Communications and Political Science. Through school, he has become passionate in areas ranging from Market Research to Digital Media. In addition to his work, Tyler enjoys playing guitar and basketball in his free time. During his summer at Analytics Arts, he will take on a variety of projects and is excited to join the team.

  • Alessandro Recla
    Alessandro Recla Founder

    Alessandro has been teaching analytics, market research and applied statistics courses at Bocconi University for more than 10 years. Moreover, he has 15 years of experience as advisor for italian and international corporates and consulting firms on topics of advanced analytics, dashboarding and marketing research.

  • Lorenza Rossi
    Lorenza Rossi Associate Consultant

    Laureata in Marketing Management e Academic Fellow presso Università Bocconi e tutor presso Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Ha esperienza in analytics e in progetti di ricerche di mercato quantitative e qualitative in diversi settori.

  • Francesco Nascimbeni
    Francesco Nascimbeni Senior Consultant

    Academic Fellow presso Università Bocconi e docente a contratto presso Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Francesco ha esperienza pluriennale in progetti di ricerche di mercato e analytics

  • Michele Rossi
    Michele Rossi Associate Data Scientist

    Michele ha conseguito un Double Degree offerto congiuntamente dall’Università Bocconi e dall’IIM Bangalore (PGP – MBA program). Negli ultimi anni ha approfondito a livello accademico e lavorativo tecniche di data analytics e advanced forecasting. È Academic Fellow presso SDA Bocconi, dove occupa il ruolo di Knowledge Analyst del gruppo di Decision Sciences e Business Analytics.

  • Bianca Bignami
    Bianca Bignami Associate Consultant

    Bianca è docente a contratto presso l’Università LIUC e presso il Milano Fashion Institute, e conduce un pre-corso in Statistica e strumento Excel. Ha conseguito una laurea specialistica in Mercati e strategie aziendali presso UCSC di Milano, che le ha fornito una solida base su cui costruire la sua esperienza nell’analisi di mercato, comprese metodologie di ricerca quantitative e qualitative in diversi settori industriali e la creazione di dashboard interattive. Supervisiona il personale e i processi amministrativi.

  • Ilaria Loconsolo
    Ilaria Loconsolo Associate Consultant

    Ilaria è professore a contratto del MFI e ricercatore, laureata in Management Internazionale presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Con una solida base nel business internazionale, ha integrato le sue conoscenze nel campo della ricerca di mercato, diventando una consulente versatile in metodologie sia qualitative che quantitative. La sua specializzazione in mediazione interculturale e interlinguistica le consente di esplorare le complessità dei mercati globali ed estrarre preziose informazioni da intricate fonti di dati.

  • Alessandra Vittone
    Alessandra Vittone Associate Consultant

    Ha conseguito una doppia laurea in economia e management presso l’Università del Piemonte Orientale e l’Università di Tampere. Il suo interesse per la ricerca quantitativa è cresciuto durante il suo stage presso la Commissione Europea a Bruxelles. Attualmente è Associate Consultant presso Anlytics Arts, dove lavora su progetti di ricerca quantitativa e qualitativa in vari settori. Ha avuto esperienze come assistente alla didattica presso l’Università Bocconi e l’MFI.

  • Federica Zullo
    Federica Zullo Associate Consultant

    Laureata in Marketing Management presso l’Università Bocconi dove si è scoperta appassionata di phygital e durante le sue ultime esperienze lavorative, ha consolidato le sue conoscenze in questo campo, anche grazie ad uno stage nell’area marketing di una catena di supermercati di prossimità presenti a Milano. Ora è attualmente consulente presso Analytics Arts dove gestisce progetti di ricerca di mercato in diversi campi. Inoltre è docente a contratto sia presso l’università LIUC, dove ha tenuto un pre-corso di statistica e presso il Milano Fashion Institute.

  • Alessio Rossi
    Alessio Rossi Junior Data Scientist

    Alessio si è laureato in Applied Economics presso l’Università di Trento, specializzandosi in Valutazione d’Impatto presso il centro di ricerca FBK. La sua passione risiede nell’inferenza causale e nell’econometria, oltre a un vivo interesse nello studio dei processi decisionali dei consumatori. La sua principale passione è il ciclismo e insieme ad altre attività sportive nel suo tempo libero.

  • Virginia Erti
    Virginia Erti Junior Analyst

    Virginia è una studentessa dell’ultimo anno di magistrale in Management con un focus sul Marketing presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano. Porta una miscela dinamica di esperienza internazionale, avendo studiato in Francia e negli Stati Uniti. Tornata a Milano, la sua passione per il marketing e la statistica si riversa nel suo ruolo in Analytics Arts, dove contribuisce a soluzioni e strategie innovative.

